6 Top Introverts We Must Know As An Introvert

Introversion and extroversion are signature traits that ordinarily define how a person prefers spending his or her time.

There is a simple test to know whether you are an introvert or not. There is only One-question that you need to answer honestly to reveal if you are an introvert or extrovert.

The question is: Do you get energized on your own personal battery or do you get charged up when among a group of people? If the answer is by yourself, then you are introverted.

To further confirm you can gauge from the text “If you know you’re not outgoing and don’t like engaging with others, find teammates who can make up for those tendencies” that you are an Introvert.

As Introverts, we must know about some world personalities who are or were Introverts. Though there are many such personalities who are introverted, here I am writing about only 6 of them let’s Know about them. Why am I writing about Famous introverts? There are lessons to be learned and also you can design your call to action for self-improvement.

So, let’s Know about the famous 6 Introverts

1. Albert Einstein: We all know him as a scientist, a Nobel Prize winner in 1921 for his work on theoretical physics. His work has had a major impact on the development of atomic energy.

He said, “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulate the creative mind.”

The Lesson: Time spent in solitude normally provides the space you need for creativity.

Call For Action: Carve out time for yourself. Check your agenda for life where you want to be or what you want to be. If unable to find it, meditate to find where your mind wanders. Find your niche. Watch my video on youtube “IKIGAI”. You can find one but then you must engage yourself in writing your thoughts for 15 mins. daily.

2. Bill Gates: He says that Introverts can be successful by recognizing their strengths and taking advantage of them. He has talked about it in many interviews and in his book “Introvert advantage”. He has openly talked about how he feels energized when working alone. Bill gates is an introvert but not shy. An introvert can combine the traits of an extrovert.

The Lesson: Introverts are not inferior to Extroverts or vice versa. Each personality types have both pros and cons.

Call To Action: Identify the weakness, which stops you from achieving your goals. Create a plan of action to fix it, by figuring out how to improve that weakness in yourself. You can seek help from outside such as a mentor or if it’s an activity you can outsource.

3. Eleanor Roosevelt: A public person, the wife of American President Franklin D Roosevelt. Despite being a political figure she often felt shy and uncomfortable in social situations. She used her introverted nature to her advantage. She would use her alone time to reflect and use the time to come up with ideas and strategies which she would use in her public life.

The Lesson: If you have been in solitude in your early childhood, this may lead you to be a compassionate adult.

Call To Action: Find three people who are introverts. Compliment them for their traits similar to yours and you will find the connection. At times we naturally connect with a few people when we complement some of their characteristics.

4. J K Rowling: We all must have heard, read, or seen movies on her novel “Harry Potter”. We all are aware of her creativity. Introverts are creative. She was on a solo train trip when she dreamt of Harry Potter. She was shy in nature.

The Lesson: Your ability has nothing to do with your shyness. Take your steps forward. It actually helps to make you hyper-focus.

Call To Action: You can avoid the things that scare you as long as you can succeed without them. So keep moving.

5. Elon Musk: It took him a while and practice to get comfortable to come up to the stage and speak clearly. He has talked about how social interactions are drawing and prefers most of his time working. He finds it difficult to make small talk and has said that he would rather have a deep conversation with someone.

The Lesson: Being introverted provides the strength to uncover the introverted quality which stands in your way. Do your best to change it. Introverts can be successful in leadership roles and introversion is not a hindrance but rather a unique set of strengths.

Call To Action: Arming yourself with knowledge is the first step. Do the research on the problem you are facing and work on it to come out of it.

6. Warren Buffet: I think the name does not need any introduction. He is one of the richest people in the world and highly respected in the financial world. Being introverted, he has been able to focus due to solitude and is able to think clearly, which makes him act wisely when other people panic.

The Lesson: Introverts being cool-headed are capable of recognizing the signs of failure, which helps them to act accordingly.

Call to Action: When a problem arrives do not panic along with others. Think through the problem by stepping back and take a decision.

Conclusion: It’s not important for introverts to become an extrovert. I have seen many people who are introverted and extroverted, which means they are primarily introverted and have acquired some extrovert characteristics over a period of time based on their job profile or extrovert skill which they admire. I am an introvert myself. Hesitate to ask for help, not saying no to my boss. But for my job I do need to be extroverted to drive my team and get the work done. Acquired these skills as this was the demand of the job.

In simple words I would say that you can adapt to whatever characteristics you want to have in your personality, irrespective of how you are labeled as.

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