8 Basic Rules To Reflect Your Class and Elegance

Is there a necessity to do a complete makeover while trying to build your class, your elegance, or your overall outlook?

You would have already gone through my earlier articles on Wardrobe necessities and the Importance of Footwear in your overall outlook.

It does not necessarily require making a complete makeover. You simply need to make a handful of changes to your putting-on dresses to be apart from the crowd and reflect your class and elegance. What I will be talking about here is the other aspect of grooming which is moderating your behaviour as well as basic hygiene to add to reflect your class and elegance

To help you do that here are the 8 Tips to implement in your habits to make you become classy and elegant.

Reflects What You are From Within

Rule no 1: Dress What You Are Inside — You know who you are and what your inner self is and how would you like to represent yourself as a person.

It’s important that you need to pay attention to who you are and also at the same time pay attention to presenting yourself to the outside.

This does not mean that you need to wear designer outfits all the time. You need to keep in mind the occasion and the place that you are visiting before selecting of your dress code. What I mean here is you need to know the basic dos and don’ts of basic fashion, keep yourself well groomed, and wear clean ironed clothes.

Example: No point in wearing designer clothes which are wrinkled.

Take Away: It’s important to listen to your inner self keeping in mind how to present outside.

Rule no 2: Maintain Hygiene — A saying goes “Your first impression is the last impression” and it happens in the first few seconds. The way you present yourself goes a long way in defining whether you will be perceived as classy or ungentlemanly.


Clothes, and footwear play a great part in defining your outlook and who you are. But at the same time, they fail to live up to your image building if you smell foul as if you have not bathed for a year and your hairs are untidy, or if clothes and footwear do not complement each other.

Take Away: So, It’s important to bathe daily, brush and make sure you maintain immaculate hygiene.

Rule no 3: Improve Communication by Going Beyond Looks — While it is important to have a presentable outlook, but to be classy you also need to master communication skills. Why I say this is, one can look elegant and classy on Facebook, Insta, or Twitter but in reality, you know the truth. Communication becomes an important skill that one has to work on. The way a person articulates and holds the conversations differentiates them from an average human being to a human being with a class.


While communicating one has to be clear about their choice of words, clear about what they mean to communicate, and on top of that Listen properly.

Take Away: Communication is a skill that can be acquired with time and effort. You have to nourish your mind, be socially aware, and master the skills to be a person more than looks and of substance.

Rule 4: Reflect Confidence and Move with Grace — Moving with grace reflects your confidence, class, and elegance. Walking with a drop of shoulders does not reflect well on you. Walk with a straight back and do not lumber. Even if you are the most talented and smartest person but if you do not exuberate and lack confidence. People will not consider you classy.

Take Away: Your class and elegance will reflect if you learn to embrace who you are and at the same time is also determined by how you move your body, being bold and yet precise.

Cultural Conscious

Rule 5: Do not be Rude and be Culturally Curious — If you are a classy person, you will never be rude, and as you are strong and self-assured, your belief system is capable of fighting back if pushed to the corner. As a classy person, you do not treat people like they are below you. At the same time, you respect culture which in modern language is called etiquette. This varies from culture to culture and you should be aware of the same. One etiquette may be viewed as good and might be considered basic elsewhere. A classy person is curious and sensitive to such cultural ambiguity.

Take Away: Remain curious about others’ cultures so as not to offend and be misunderstood. At the same time be courteous by saying thanks at every opportunity and saying please when asking for a favour or else you will not be considered classy even if you are wearing many fur coats and how well-groomed you are.

Rule 6: Do not Create Nuisance and Complaint All Time — If you want to be classy, there are certain things that you need to do. You should stop cribbing all the time. This is a negative attitude. Also, you need to ensure that your deliberate action does not inconvenience others. In case you are confused ask yourself if someone else does this will I be annoyed?

Take Away: Find things that are more productive rather than cribbing. You cannot please everyone, and need not have a pleasing personality.

Rule 7: Your Integrity Matters — For people with class and elegance their integrity is an integral part of their core value system. If you have elegance and have a class apart in the crowd you cannot have a character of a shameless double-crosser.

Take Away: What I mean to say here is to become credible if you want to be referred to as classy and elegant. Do not cheat on people.

Rule 8: Role Model for your Children Who they Aspire to be — Children copy and behave in a similar way that they see their parents. So, do you want your children to become nagging, I don’t think. Hence your behaviour should be such as what you expect your children to behave with others and you. So that they too become classy.

Take Away: Your behaviour should drive others to be like you. You should look, at it as an aspiration for others.

Conclusion: Class and elegance is a skill that can be learned over a period of time and has to be worked upon. Class and Elegance are what you present yourself as outside and what you are from the inside. If you try to become elegant it will make you a better person and is definitely worth a try.

On Lifestyle — Rules to Follow for a Sharp Look

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