Achieve Success By Rewiring Your Brain

Rewiring Your Brain

If you expect to achieve your goals, if you expect to reach your potential, if you expect to have your dreams come true, what I’m about to explain to you is mission critical, you must rewire your brain.

This is important to understand. Why your brain has to be rewired? At times you will find it hard on yourself while going tough the training sessions and hence it is important to rewire your brain which will help you in going through the training sessions and thereafter. The method that I will take you through will help you in the future also and you can use the same technique to rewire your brain for a different set of goals.

Let’s start and understand. To understand this concept, it helps to know a little about neuroscience. There are about 100 billion neurons (nerve cells) in our brains, and each neuron has thousands of connections, making our brains “the most complex object in the known universe” (Physicist Michio Kaku).

Our brains are the command center of our body. Every physical and mental process involves the firing of thousands of neurons, in a chain reaction.

I want you to realize that our brain operates in TWO modes.

a. Subconscious Mind — Default or autopilot mode: Things that you do by default.

b. Conscious Mind — Direct mode: Your ability to deliberately chose what you are going to think about.

Our brains evolved to be efficient. Processes that are repeated frequently are memorized so they don’t require conscious thought. This happened with every physical and mental skill we have, from walking to speaking to reading and writing — literally, everything we do involves memorized neural networks

Think about learning how to ride a bicycle, or drive a car. At first, there was so much to pay attention to, your full focus was required. With repeated practice driving and bike riding, your brain memorized huge chunks of processes, and put those into background storage for you to draw on whenever you need to do those activities. Now when you ride a bike or drive a car, you don’t have to think about every little process — your brain knows how to do it automatically.

“Neurons that fire together, wire together.” Donald Hebbs, neuropsychologist

This famous phrase means that anything we do repeatedly, including thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, gets “wired” into our brains. These patterns become well-worn paths that are very easy for the brain to travel down, and the more they are repeated, the more hard-wired they become.

Doing a mindset rewiring, it’s not an event, it’s a process because the negative and limiting beliefs that you have are already set to your default. those are encoded in the default network in your brain, and so it’s going to be a process that you need to repeat.

First, let’s understand why we require default mode and then we will proceed to direct mode. The reason why we have a default mode is that we need it. There are so many things in a day that we need to do automatically.

But it is also important to know to achieve your desired goals you must change some of the automated default modes to direct modes by rewiring your brain. If I would like to explain this in simple terms, you must have seen T20 cricket matches or watched baseball matches. In cricket matches especially T20 or a baseball match you see right-handed batsmen making switch shots as left-handed batsmen, meaning going from a right-hander to becoming a left-hander or vice versa, and this a process and not an event. You deliberated to take action to become a left-hander. You practiced repeatedly to perform the activity with perfection. This requires moving from autopilot mode to direct mode.

There is nothing that can stop you from changing the way you think. If you are able to change your thinking then you will be able to change your life and believe me the way you think is a choice you have made and it’s going to change your life.

Now comes the best part of How to become a deliberate thinker. Your limiting belief is largely due to the experiences that you have gone through in your life or due to the way you have been brought up by your parents.

The first thing that you need to do is write down your limitations and what you are afraid of. Once you do it, this is the first step of moving from autopilot mode to deliberate mode, because now we can start rewiring our brains. Once you identify the reasons, this is the point where you can start rewiring your brain by directing it to something deliberate.

It Helps

1. Use the art of visualization: We all use visualization in our life to reach our goals. It’s a powerful tool used by all of us knowingly or unknowingly. Let’s understand. Our brain has a filter system and it sees things that we want to see. For example, say there are different colour balls in a box. You want to have red balls. What your brain does is it starts looking for red balls and filters another coloured ball in the box. Another example could be building your body by going to Gym. What happens is you have made a deliberate attempt to train your brain to shape your body like someone that you would have visualized to be like. It’s a two way

a. So what one needs to do is, visualize your dream of what one want to be, where one want to be, and how much money one want to earn.

b. Once you have visualized start visualizing the steps that you’re taking to get there.

c. Start visualizing the emotions associated with it reaching your goal, the feeling of happiness inside of achieving what you wanted to achieve, and self-satisfaction.

The more you visualize things, the greater your confidence is going to be. The greater security you’re going to have about it. What studies suggest and have proven is that simply visualizing yourself doing things actually develops the skill, and helps you improve the skills. This happens because you are reprogramming your brain.

A simple example can be communication. You are able to recall a people’s name more easily if you have met them physically because you have his/her image stored in your brain. It’s that simple. Another example is about your communication with people Your communication over the phone is completely different with people whom you have met physically and people whom you do not know. You feel familiar talking to a person whom you have met earlier because you are able to visualize the person.

Action to be taken: I want you to go through all the goals that you set, and I want you every single day throughout the next thirty days, you are going to spend thirty seconds. Your dreams deserve thirty seconds, don’t you think so. You’re going to close your eyes and you’re gonna visualize what does it look like in your life when you have achieved your monetary goals this year.

Think About it: How does it feel to go to the bank and see that balance? How does it feel to be able to rent your own place or put down a down payment for the house you’ve always dreamt of? How does it feel to be able to have saved enough money so you can quit the job that you hate and launch the business because you have achieved your goals? It feels darn good. That’s how it feels, and I want you to just savor that because what you’re doing when you visualize is your reprogramming.

2. Have A Morning Routine: How you start your morning determines how your day goes. I want you to understand that you have to be, being productive, happy, and in control of your life. It has nothing to do with when you get up. You have to do it because you must have a morning routine if you don’t have a morning routine, your entire day will get hijacked. If you don’t have a morning routine, you are going to wake up behind, you’re going to wake up stressed out, and you’re going to wake up and make major, mistakes. I’m being realistic. I’m being realistic about the fact that you need a morning routine, but you need one that works for you. There’s no [point in having a morning routine that does not work for you, in other terms you are unable to execute it.

For example, you want to start a Digital Marketing Agency. To start you need to learn about it and then take mini steps to reach building the same. You cannot start instantly. It will take time setting a time every day for ten to fifteen minutes means you do research and learn about Digital marketing and gain the requisite skills to start the business and this may take four to six months to start your own consultancy.

Action to be taken: So, do this for 10 Minutes Every Morning. I want you to find ten minutes, that’s it. That’s all, it takes ten minutes. Set your morning routine and do it every morning for ten minutes. That’s going to help.

Think About it: How does it feel when you are productive every day? How does it feel to be happy? How does it feel to be in control of your life?

Conclusion: To conclude I would say you can’t just write down your goals. It does not work. You’ve got to make your visual board. It’s a really powerful thing to do for sure. I will end the session with the definition about what is rewiring your brain.

A conscious effort to adopt a different attitude rewires your brain into a new way of thinking.

Start rewiring your brain.

You can watch my video on my youtube channel.


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