
Identification and self work for improvements

10 TRAITS (SKILLS) That You Should Have – For Better Self management

Starting a series where I will be talking about Traits (Skills) as a person we all should possess. Many of us know but hate implementing it as one of the haves. I will be elaborating on each of these traits, keep following me. 1. Speaking up your Mind2. Being Honest with Yourself3. Self Confidence4. Listening5.

10 TRAITS (SKILLS) That You Should Have – For Better Self management Read More »

6 Top Introverts We Must Know As An Introvert

Introversion and extroversion are signature traits that ordinarily define how a person prefers spending his or her time. There is a simple test to know whether you are an introvert or not. There is only One-question that you need to answer honestly to reveal if you are an introvert or extrovert. The question is: Do

6 Top Introverts We Must Know As An Introvert Read More »