Introverts – Know about them


As much as one-third to half of the world’s population are introverts, yet there are still many misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding this personality type. Introverts are often misunderstood as shy, anti-social, or even arrogant, when in fact, they simply have a different way of processing and responding to stimuli. In this article, we will explore the traits of introverts, debunk common myths, and provide tips for introverts to thrive in their personal and professional lives.

I will be talking about traits about introvert. This will help you identify your self whether you are an introvert or not. How you can take steps to build your own brand in office and how you can identify your strengths. How you can be different than others valued more and grow your professional journey.

The author is himself and introvert and has grown in his career from a trainee service engineer to becoming Vice President handling a larger geography in India.

Articles related to this topic is for your learning and call to action.

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6 Top Introverts We Must Know As An Introvert

If you are an introvert like me you must read to know about them. Here I will tell you about each individual and what lesson we learn from them and What should be your call to action. So just go ahead and read.