Mental Health – Building Pillars for Positive Mindset

Mental Health

Mental Health in today’s environment plays an important role in each indiaduals life. The work life balance, emotional bursts, relationships and helath get imopacted.

Here I am going to talk more on mental health hygenes and talk about office nuances to help you dela with mental health issues on your won.

I do not prescribe any menthod but yes do list down my maneouvers in 29+ years of corporate life that i have lived so far.

The situations may differ in your circumstances but will be more or less simiplar in nature that we all go through.

I being an introvert my leranings are more inclined to behavoiurs exhibited by intorverts but handling of similar situations may differ from person to person based on their experiences and bahaviours of your peers.

I hope that this will be of immense help to all seeking gusidance to deal with extraordinary situations.

Incase you want me to write on certain situations that you would like to seek answers do post your comment for me to go through it and suggest action points.

You can also connect with me through filling up the conatct form for one-on-one counselling.

You can follow me on my Linkedin as well as on Instagram.