Need To Create Pillars for Mental Health


Today there is work stress that most of us go through. The pressure of performance takes a toll on mental health. I am emphasizing building your pillars for mental health as this will help you deal with your stress levels drastically. Mental health is very important not only because it will not only help you handle stress but also have a positive impact on friends and family around you.

One way to promote mental health is to create a pillar for mental health.  I am a firm believer of this as I have done it myself in my long career of 29+ years working with different bosses and subordinates. As per my experience, there are four elements considered: emotional, physical, cognitive, and social. These form the foundation of your mental health. I really like the very idea of creating pillars that align with your personal well-being and believe me you can create one.

You need to figure out what is it that you require to maintain your pillars for mental health. From there, you can make them your foundation. Creating a strong foundation for mental health requires a comprehensive approach that addresses various aspects of well-being. Here are 5 pillars for promoting mental health, along with brief summaries that I’ve included a few below to give you an idea – you might want to include others too, like learning new skills or helping others.

Whatever you choose, these pillars fopr mental health can help you improve the way you manage your mental health and identify areas you can focus on and nurture.

1. Relationships with others to create pillars for mental health

Connecting with others can help you develop feelings of positive self-worth, improve your mood, and provide an opportunity to share positive moments. When you need a sympathetic ear to manage difficult moments, it helps to have strong relationships with your friends or family, who often provide an objective perspective that helps you make positive choices, eliminating any feelings of loneliness. Helps reduce emotion and improve your flexibility.

Conclusion: Cultivating meaningful relationships and maintaining a strong social support system to combat feelings of isolation and loneliness.

2. Meditation and focus to create pillars for mental health

Taking a break for a few moments can be beneficial for your mental health, but in our busy lives, we rarely get a chance to do so. Meditation can help calm your mind and bring a sense of peace – this is especially helpful if you feel overwhelmed or stressed with work.

Try sitting quietly and focusing on your breathing, thoughts, and the sensations in your body. If your mind wanders, try to bring it back to the present. There are some ways you can be mindful, from eating mindfully, increasing activity, or enhancing your creativity with drawing or coloring. You may also want to try ‘body scanning’; This is the act of moving your attention through your body. Start at the head and as you ‘scan’ down to your toes, notice sensations such as warmth, tension, or sensitivity in each part of your body.

Conclusion: Learning techniques like mindfulness, meditation, and deep breathing to cope with stress and reduce its impact on mental health. Finding a sense of purpose and meaning in life, can provide motivation and a positive outlook.

3. Physical health to create pillars for mental health

When you feel depressed, it can be tempting to hide away and not move much – but walking and exercising is a positive way to support your mental health. Aerobic exercise is proven mood-boosting – so try walking, running, swimming or cycling. Exercise not only improves mood but also helps improve concentration and support overall physical health. If you’re struggling with movement, just a 10-minute brisk walk can do wonders.

Conclusion: Prioritizing regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep to support a healthy mind in a healthy body.

4. Sleep and rest to create pillars for mental health

We know sleep is important for our health, but we often take it for granted. Not getting enough sleep can hinder cognitive skills – at work, which can have a huge impact on job performance. Fatigue can make it difficult to deal with even relatively minor stressors and can have a negative impact on the way we think about the situation.

If you’re struggling to sleep, try improving your sleep hygiene – including ensuring a good routine before going to bed, limiting screen time, and using relaxation techniques to calm yourself before bed. May involve using. It is also important to allow yourself to rest. Take regular breaks throughout your day and use mindfulness activities to give your mind time to stop, reset, and relax.

Conclusion: Practicing self-compassion and setting aside time for self-care activities that rejuvenate and nourish the mind and body. Striking a balance between professional responsibilities and personal life to prevent burnout and maintain mental well-being. Managing finances responsibly to reduce financial stress and anxiety, which can take a toll on mental health.

5. Counseling to create pillars for mental health

Talking therapy or counseling can help you deal with difficult situations or moments and equip you with techniques to help manage stress, anxiety, and overwhelming emotions. Through therapy, you can find ways to live more positively, become mentally stronger, and work on healthy behaviors.

Finding time for counseling can sometimes be difficult, but providers like BetterHelp make it easier by offering online therapy services, helping to reduce the cost and travel time of therapy sessions. If counseling is something you want to try, you can get 20% off your first month with BetterHelp by clicking here.

Conclusion: Ensuring access to mental health services, therapy, and counseling when needed, and reducing the stigma surrounding seeking help for mental health issues.

Your Pillars

What are the pillars of your mental health? I’d love to read in the comments how you focus on your well-being to promote mental health.

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